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5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies That Work Wonders

When it comes to sharing effective classroom management strategies, there are lots of different ways of thinking. Most educators believe things should be done a certain way and many of these ways are vastly different. Many of these methods have also enjoyed years of success—after all, if it works then it works. 

The question is, is there a comprehensive universal list of approaches regarding effective classroom management that can help all teachers?

Since every classroom is vastly different, probably not. However, below we give you some ideas which are the consensus across many of the educators we've interviewed. Perhaps they can help you no matter if you're a veteran or the new kid on the block. Either way, all teachers can benefit from considering these 5 effective classroom management tips.

5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies

1. Write Down the Rules

Many teachers hand out a syllabus at the start of the year detailing what learners are responsible for and when. It specifies tests and quizzes, and tells learners how their grades will be determined. In today's age of technology, it also outlines acceptable use of both school tech and, in the case of BYOD, personal technology.

Consider drafting up and handing out a two- or three-page “student handbook” that details what learners are allowed and not allowed to do and when. The ThoughtCo. article 10 Essential Policies for Your Student Handbook will give some ideas about the essentials needed for just such a guide.

2. Let Learners Help

Your learners are much more apt to follow the guidelines they helped create. Rather than hand out the behaviour syllabus on the first day of class, spend time discussing these potential rules with the learners. You will be surprised how many of them will want stricter rules than you do. It's important that the rules are mutually fair and practical as well as constructive. Consequently, you must make sure there is a majority consensus on whatever the class adopts.

Guide the class discussion so there are no rules that will cause too many class disruptions. It's also important to be consistent with the guidelines once they are put into practice. This kind of consistency results in students who are generally content as they know everyone is being treated fairly.

3. Encourage Questioning

Make it crystal clear that learners can, and should, ask questions at any time. As a teacher, you should not be so focused on your lecture that questions aren’t encouraged. The printed rules should specify what learners need to do to ask questions. Generally, they need to raise their hands.

Additionally, invest in finding ways of getting the learners interested in the subject matter by offering relevance to their interests. Ask them questions and invite them to ask follow-up questions that steer the discussion in the direction of critical thinking skills development.

Of course, all the questions should be answered but not necessarily by you. Encourage learners to volunteer answers to their classmates’ questions. They often learn better when the information is explained to them by another student.

4. Let Learners Lead

All learners aren't the same, so why have them read Chapter 1 this week, Chapter 2 next week, etc.? Ask your learners who is interested in writing a short paper about a subject that is mentioned in the chapter. You may be surprised how many of them will take up the challenge.

What about encouraging your learners to step into your shoes for a bit? Letting them tell you and their classmates what they have learned can be an effective teaching tool for these "teachers" and their classmates. Let learners who are interested make a 5-minute presentation on the subject matter. 

5. Encourage Group Projects

In every teacher's toolbox for effective classroom management, there should exist lessons and tasks for building teamwork and leadership skills. Today’s digital learners love working in groups; it’s in their nature.

They work, game, and connect online constantly and in school, it’s no different. They look to their peers to collaborate and share ideas. They’re just as likely to work with learners across the world as they are in their classrooms, so collaboration skills are a huge asset for life after school. The working world is also being affected by new communication technology on an ongoing basis. As a result, one’s ability to function in teams that are both real and virtual is important.

Learners who work with each other inside and outside the classroom also might develop more respect for each other. Some learners will develop leadership skills while others will learn to be more responsible about completing assignments when there is a group grade involved.

Agency Awaits

We want to sign off by mentioning how effective classroom management plays a vital role in achieving one of the most crucial goals we can have as educators, which is fostering learner agency.

The truth is that when classrooms are well-managed, with clear expectations and consistent routines, learners feel a sense of safety, predictability, and ownership over their learning. It’s this kind of environment that empowers them to take charge of their education by actively participating, expressing their thoughts, and making choices.

A well-managed classroom also encourages learners to collaborate, take risks, and explore their interests, resulting in increased engagement and motivation. By providing structure and support, effective classroom management even helps them develop important skills such as self-regulation and time management, enabling them to become increasingly independent learners who take more and more responsibility for their own growth and success.

In essence, a well-managed classroom is a thriving classroom. And a thriving classroom puts the enjoyment and adventure back into learning, where it was always meant to be.