A blog to inspire your professional journey as an educator
Why Inquiry-Based Learning in Kindergarten Makes Sense
How do we nurture and develop the inquiring mind of the young child to foster life-long skills? Inquiry-based learning is a natural fit, and we’re going to explore why.
The 7 Best Assessment Tools and Practices You Can Use Right Now
A young learner’s brain is a mystery we may never fully understand. Assessment practices like the ones in this article give us glimpses into that complexity. In doing so, we reach all learners better.
9 Inspiring Formative Peer Assessment Activities for Learners
Here are nine examples of formative peer assessments in which learners can take the lead in place of the teacher for a unique learning experience.
6 Ways to Build Lifelong Learning Skills In Your Learners
What it means to be a lifelong learner is that all throughout life, one never stops learning. Below are a few ways that you can help learners achieve this priceless mindset.
40 Positive Life Lessons To Share With Your Learners
Some of the most positive lessons we can experience don't appear in any curriculum. Here is a list of them that will change your life for the better.
5 of the Best Practices for Improving Critical Thinking Skills
Improving critical thinking skills is a life study and one that's definitely worth pursuing. How can we continue improving on these skills once we have them? Check out these suggestions.
How to Fix 5 Common Formative Assessment Problems Teachers Have
How do you face the most common challenges with formative assessment and move forward from them? Let’s find out together in this article.
5 Terrific Inquiry-Based Learning Examples
Inquiry-based learning is easily adapted for any age group and for any type of learner. After exploring different activities, we’ve compiled five of the most creative and effective.
8 Disadvantages of Inquiry-Based Learning (With Solutions)
Are there any disadvantages to inquiry-based learning that would make educators want to shy away from it? Yes, but there are also effective ways to overcome them, which we'll discuss in this article.
25 Real-World Discussion Topics for Learners to Explore Together
What kind of real-world discussion topics will engage and inspire learners to have such conversations? This is a big list of 25 topics to get you started.
12 Solid Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking Skills
Teaching critical thinking skills is crucial, but what exactly are these skills, and what are some of the best strategies teachers can use for teaching them?
The Most Useful Critical Thinking Mental Models to Know About
Learning how to think critically remains one of the most beneficial skills we can impart to our learners. There are many ways to model it as well, as you'll discover in this article.
7 Creative Writing Exercises That Are Actually Enjoyable for Learners
The key to improving writing is with daily practice. Using creative writing exercises like these with your learners will help improve their creative and analytical writing skills immensely.
6 Effective Strategies for Writing Inspiring Essential Questions
In any great lesson, an essential question drives the quest for knowledge and discovery. How do we write essential questions that matter and that inspire the best learning possible?
7 Limited Thinking Habits to Fix For Thinking More Critically
Nobody's perfect and neither is anybody's thinking. However, that doesn't mean we can't get better at it and start thinking more critically. Here’s how to do it by fixing how we think.
15 Assessment Activities That Are Fast, Fun, and Formative
Assessment activities should be quick, enjoyable, and versatile. You can’t go wrong with these assessment activities that are perfect for formative evaluations on the go.
6 Ways of Helping Learners Overcome Learning Barriers
Here we have 6 of the most efficient methods for giving your learners the upper hand in overcoming learning barriers as they appear.
20 Self-Reflection Questions to Get Learners Thinking
Self-reflection is a powerful instructional opportunity in our classrooms. The questions we use are even more important, and here are 20 of the best ones your learners can ask.
The 8 Best Ways of Teaching Creatively That Never Fail
Creativity is a skill that can be learned by anyone, and one of the best ways to model creative potential for our learners is through the inspiring practice of teaching creatively.
The Most Beneficial Lifelong Learning Skills to Have and Why
The list of beneficial lifelong learning skills one can have is broad and diverse, and it pays to develop them constantly. Here are 10 to place your focus on, and why they matter.