A blog to inspire your professional journey as an educator
6 Effective Strategies for Writing Inspiring Essential Questions
In any great lesson, an essential question drives the quest for knowledge and discovery. How do we write essential questions that matter and that inspire the best learning possible?
15 Assessment Activities That Are Fast, Fun, and Formative
Assessment activities should be quick, enjoyable, and versatile. You can’t go wrong with these assessment activities that are perfect for formative evaluations on the go.
6 Ways of Helping Learners Overcome Learning Barriers
Here we have 6 of the most efficient methods for giving your learners the upper hand in overcoming learning barriers as they appear.
20 Self-Reflection Questions to Get Learners Thinking
Self-reflection is a powerful instructional opportunity in our classrooms. The questions we use are even more important, and here are 20 of the best ones your learners can ask.
10 Self-Directed Learning Questions Every Learner Can Use
This framework features 10 in-depth learning questions learners can apply to their own self-directed learning pursuits.
More Than 300 Awesome Purposeful Question Examples by Subject
Need some purposeful questions to drive learning and get your learners thinking critically and independently? Here are over 300 examples by category. Use them for lesson plans, daily challenges, group activities, and much more.
How to Inspire Your Learners With Powerful Questioning
Using purposeful questions means more than just asking them. It means embedding their essence into your learners’ imaginations.